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Saturday 21 May 2011

Why Activity Based Learning

Activity Based Learning

As we all know that students learn better through doing things by themselves that’s the reason in this new era all the teachers try to use different kind of activities specially in Language classes.
The principles behind the activity based approach is that children are
“Doers” and learn language primarily because they need it and remember new language better because they have encountered and used it in a realistic situation. Activity based learning recognizes hat young children are physical, tactile and use all their senses. It aims to teach language and address a child’s linguistic intelligence while at the same time, developing a child’s other intelligences [Gardner, 1988]
There are so many different reasons behind activity based learning such as:
·         Child centered and learning centered
·         Task based learning
·         Gives enjoyment & an element of fun
·         Combines the use of games, songs and rhymes
·         Uses authentic / realistic tasks & situations
·         Can be linked to a particular topic or vocabulary or feature language forms and structures
·         Focuses on meaning & form
·         Acquires knowledge & skills
·         Uses of all four skills – once the child has mastered reading & writing in their Mother tongue
·         Reflects the world around them

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